In business, as in life, shiny objects are a distraction. In the world of business, these distractions can be an all-consuming obsession. It’s easy to get sucked into the latest and greatest new thing because it’s exciting. But, being so focused on shiny objects can have a very serious downside. In this article, we’ll explore Shiny Object Syndrome and how it affects your business. We’ll also discuss some solutions to this problem that will keep you focused and on track for success.
What is Shiny Object Syndrome?
Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) is the tendency that individuals have to chase the latest new idea or trend that catches their attention. This syndrome is common among entrepreneurs because of their characteristic ambition and leaning towards taking on new projects, initiatives and goals. However, Shiny Object Syndrome in business can have disastrous effects, distracting leaders from reaching their goals, impairing judgement, disrupting productivity and creating unnecessary stress for employees who may need to constantly adapt to ever-changing business directions and targets.
Why Does Shiny Object Syndrome Occur?
The answer to this question is multifaceted and often difficult to pinpoint. Shiny Object Syndrome may stem from a variety of sources such as:
- a lack of clarity about your goals
- too many or too little goals
- a lack of focus or inability to focus
- ongoing growth challenges
- a lack of passion or interest in current activities
- frustration with your business progress and results
- a fascination with all things new and exciting
- poor organisation and accountability
- a number of other external or internal factors
Whatever the case may be for you, a preoccupation with shiny objects will prevent you from achieving success with your business.

How Does it Keep Your Business from Succeeding?
Shiny Object Syndrome can be a great impediment to a business and its success for a number of reasons. Let’s explore the consequences of SOS in your business:
- It keeps you from solving the real problems that your business faces. When you’re making rapid progress, you can easily get distracted by new shiny objects and stop paying attention to your existing problems.
- It develops short-sightedness and poor decision-making. It’s easy to get sucked into new opportunities, which are exciting and interesting. Unfortunately, these opportunities may not align with your long-term objectives or be the right ideas or opportunities for your business.
- It prevents you from completing important tasks. When you take on new tasks, you may put off more important projects that need your attention. After you begin it, you may find that you don’t have time to finish what you started, or you just can’t put the effort into it that you intended to. Because you’re too busy looking at shiny objects, you’ll neglect the important work that needs to be done.
- It disrupts you from achieving your goals. This is tightly linked to the previous point. Being too distracted or too occupied with other fresh projects or ideas that prevent you from completing vital tasks will stifle your progress and keep you from reaching your original goals and objectives.
- It depletes your resources. When your business takes on more and more tasks, that takes time, money and energy away from what really matters and what’s vital for success.
- It confuses your staff. When you constantly change your business direction to chase shiny objects, this creates unnecessary stress for employees who have to constantly adapt and keep up with never-ending changes and targets. This can disrupt your team’s productivity, motivation and commitment to the company’s goals.
How to Combat Shiny Object Syndrome in Business
It is normal to start new projects or try new things in your business. But, it is important to keep a firm grasp on your long-term goals and objectives. If you find yourself constantly focused on a shiny new idea, then this is something you should keep in mind. As a business owner or leader, it’s your job to stay as close to your original goals as possible. It’s your job to ensure that you and your team stay focused on the bigger picture, avoid unnecessary distraction and achieve your company targets. To do this, you need to:
- Clearly define your long-term goals and objectives. What are you working towards?
- Keep these goals in sight all the time.
- Keep a running list of the things you’re working on.
- Hold yourself and your team accountable for achieving goals and related tasks. Do not allow tasks to fall through the cracks.
- Assess new ideas or projects to understand their potential and how they align with your existing goals and values. Before making any decisions, think about whether the new idea would distract you from your original goal. Does it move you towards the new goal? Or, does it move you away from your original goal?
- Determine whether the ‘shiny object’ will be the best use of your business’ resources. This includes time, money and effort.
- Identify and manage your sources of distraction.
- Only abandon plans when it is necessary to do so.
- Wait on new ideas to avoid making decisions based on impulse or excitement.
- Be intentional about not getting distracted: When your mind is wandering, that’s when Bright Shiny Object Syndrome happens. That’s the time you get stuck in a spiral of indecision. You’ll start second-guessing everything and risk making a bad decision.

Distraction is insidious. It creeps up on you, but you don’t always see it coming. In the entrepreneurial world as in normal life, there is often a constant barrage of new stimuli that can create a syndrome of distraction. Shiny objects will make their way in from your business’ periphery. And, if left unchecked, they will distract you from achieving the original goals of your company.
However, as long as you recognise the issue and address it, you can avoid the distractions that leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed. If you can stay focused on your original goals, your mission and your vision, you’ll be able to reach your objectives sooner rather than later.
If you’re looking to get clear on your priorities and grow your business in the right direction, schedule a call with us today.